Sapphire (Neelam)

Sapphire (Neelam), Navratna gemstone

Sapphire or Blue Sapphire refers to the blue variety of corundum. It is one of the 9 Navratans and one of the most priced and demanded gemstones in the world. Other than the blue color, all other colors of sapphires are considered fancy sapphires. The finest blue sapphires have a velvety blue to violetish blue color with medium to medium-dark tones and a strong to vivid saturation. These sapphires fetch the highest prices. Iron and titanium give the blue sapphire its blue color.



Kashmir sapphires are considered to be the finest sapphires due to their ‘cornflower blue’ color and due to their rarity. Mining was done in the Kashmir area for only 10 years. Burmese blue refers to a slightly violetish-to-blue hue. It lacks the velvety look of Kashmir sapphires. ‘Ceylon’ or Sri Lanka sapphires have a violetish blue to a blue hue. Sri Lankan sapphires can range from very fine to commercial qualities. You can get sapphires in very large sizes (eg: 100 cts plus) from Sri Lanka as well.



Sapphires can be heat treated to improve their color. Colorless corundum is lattice diffused to form blue sapphires. Various other treatments include surface modification, and dying. Nonheated and non-treated sapphires fetch the highest prices. One should check for treatments in the sapphire before paying for a gemstone to ensure that the price being charged is justifiable or not. Thailand is the biggest center for sapphire treatments in the world.



Like other gemstones, sapphires can be synthesized as well using various methods in labs. Its various imitations include Iolite (Neeli), Kyanite (Marka), doublets, Tanzanite, and glass.

Astrologists suggest sapphire to a person to remove all negativity and depression from his/her life. It is called Shani in Hindi as well and it is believed that a sapphire chooses its wearer on its own. There are certain tests that need to be conducted while buying a sapphire which is an overnight process. It can help a person achieve great prosperity in life if it suits him/her or it can lead to a major downfall if not. It is generally worn by people having Aquarius (Kumbha Rashi) or Capricorn (Makar Rashi) zodiac signs. People prefer to wear a dark royal blue color sapphire as it gives a rich look and adds to the overall personality of the person. To view our infographic click on the link